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Running Informix SE on Linux

by Rob Zook (gollor "at" swbell "dot" net*)
Well I have not run thru all the variations on this one, I have included the two I got to work with minimal effort: SE 5.07 and 7.22. Both install and run without much problems.

Machine Information:
Linux Distribution: Caldera Open Linux Standard 1.1
Kernal:                  2.0.29
iBCS Version:       2.0-12
cpio Version:         2.4.1-3

Product Information:
Informix SE 7.22.UC3    09541-025417-3 (SCO, 486 1 CPU, CD-ROM)
Informix SE 5.07.UC1    03371-025417-3 (SCO, 486 1 CPU, CD-ROM)
(Note: platform 025421 ports of SE should also work)

Installation Procedure:
1. Setup:
    a. Be sure you have the iBCS module loaded or compiled into the kernal.
    b. Also include iso9660 file system support.
    c. Set up an informix user and group.
2. Mount the cd-rom to a directory by issuing the mount command like: "mount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom".
3. Cd to the directory you wish SE to reside in and as root issue the command: "cpio -icvdumB < /mnt/cdrom".
4. Once the cpio finishes uncompressing the directory structure:
    a. Add a line to the etc/sqlhosts file:
      "<informix-server-name>    seipcpip    <host-name>      sqlexec"
    b. Setup the environment variables INFORMIXSERVER, INFORMIXDIR, and add $INFORMIXDIR/bin to the front of the path.
    c. Run the the install script: "./installse"
5. Once the script finishes you should now be able to run dbaccess and create a database. You can test this by creating the demo database by issuing the command: "dbaccessdemo7". If that suceeds you SE should work fine.

Troubleshooting Notes:
I did have some problems using cpio on the sometimes I would get strange error messages as cpio tried to read from the CD. If I shutdown and rebooted the machine, usually the problems went away. While I was testing I had errors about half the time I installed. Once I got it installed sometimes I had trouble getting the installtion script to work correctly, I would get the infamous "etc/brand: file not found". About half the time if I reboot and wiped the directory and reinstalled, I got the install script to work fine.

* Eat that spambots!

This page maintained by marco greco
(last updated Mar, 8 2000)